Scam Broker YoBitPro

Is YoBitPro the Real Deal or a Scam Broker?

When we visited the YoBitPro website, we were greeted with a complete lack of information. There was no mention of the people behind it, no terms and conditions, and no explanation of the trading services provided. It felt as if we were already on the trading platform without any guidance on where to begin. Additionally, there was no indication of whether YoBitPro held a license or not. Typically, licensed brokers prominently display this information, leading us to conclude that YoBitPro is likely unlicensed.

Something’s Up with YoBitPro

On the website, we noticed the words “Now Online.” Since we were already online while reading it, this announcement seemed unnecessary and didn’t provide any new information. Furthermore, flashing across the screen were the words “Maximum annual rate 100%.” It’s important to note that no legitimate broker or trading platform should make absolute guarantees about how much clients can earn in a given year. This raises significant suspicions about the credibility of YoBitPro as a trading platform.

Here Are Some Problems with YoBitPro

  • No license
  • No transparency
  • High minimum deposit
  • Troubling terms and conditions
  • Tricky bonuses
  • Misleading statements
  • No transparency.

If You Need Fund Recovery from YoBitPro, Talk to Us

You should close your account immediately and demand a withdrawal. If you do not receive a withdrawal, contact CryptoCoinTrace experts. We consult with clients, advise them on claims and have the tools and methods to track down your funds. The sooner talk to us, the greater the chances of a successful claim!

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