Scam Broker StandardFX

Do You Want to Know If StandardFX Is Legitimate or a Scam?

This website is a real headache for those who are concerned with protecting people from scams. First of all, StandardFX has a low trust rating. Second, it has every pitfall and high-risk trading product we can imagine and yet StandardFX tries to attract vulnerable people–those who are saving for retirement and who need loans. 

What’s the Deal with StandardFX?

StandardFX says it offers trading of forex and currency and that returns are assured. No brokers can guarantee returns. It encourages people to trade for retirement, which may not seem unreasonable at first glance. However, it isn’t a good idea to stake one’s future on highly volatile trading products like forex or cryptocurrencies. It also offers loans, yet boasts of being free of banking regulations. StandardFX claims to be licensed, but we could find no mention of them on the FCA or Cysec website. 

Here Are Some Problems with StandardFX

  • No license
  • Deals only with high-risk assets
  • Low site trust rating
  • Targets vulnerable people
  • No transparency.

What You Should Do If You Have an Account with StandardFX? 

You should close your account immediately and demand a withdrawal. If you do not receive a withdrawal, contact CryptoCoinTrace experts. We consult with clients, advise them on claims and have the tools and methods to track down your funds. The sooner talk to us, the greater the chances of a successful claim!

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