Scam Broker Review Royal Oak Investment

Is Royal Oak Investment a Legitimate or a Scam Broker?

Royal Oak Investment is an attractive name and its website looks professional, but those are the only pluses we can find for this broker. These aren’t significant advantages, not when we’re dealing with an unlicensed broker (or it claims to have a license as an offshore regulator that doesn’t require any reporting or standards from its licensees). It doesn’t offer any names or contact information. In short, with Royal Oak Investment, you have no idea who you’re dealing with. 

We Have Found Problems with Royal Oak Investment

It didn’t take much time to find other problems with Royal Oak Investment. They offer bonuses, which sound great, but they’re a trap. With false promises of bonuses, they justify not granting withdrawals unless customers pay 20% fees if they don’t reach a certain trading volume. Basically, Royal Oak Investments holds your money hostage like any crypto scam. In addition, fees are high and the platform is subpar. 

These Classic Red Flags Indicate Royal Oak Investment May Be a Broker Scam

  • No license
  • No transparency
  • Bonus trap
  • Suspected Ponzi crypto scam and MLM
  • Misleading claims
  • Negative reviews

What You Should Do If You Have an Account with Royal Oak Investment

 If you currently hold an account with Royal Oak Investment, close it and demand an immediate withdrawal of all of your funds. If you do not receive a withdrawal from this broker contact CryptoCoinTrace experts. We consult with clients, advise them on claims and have the tools and methods to track down your funds. The sooner talk to us, the greater the chances of a successful claim!

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