Scam Broker Review  GlobalX Trade

Want to Trade with GlobalX Trade? Read This First!

GlobalX Trade is an unregulated, blacklisted broker that has been called out by regulators. CONSOB, the main financial regulator in Italy has called out GlobalX Trade for providing services without a license. This is a serious danger to consumers because it doesn’t provide any reasonable oversight. In addition, we found other problems with GlobalX Trade that can cause concern. 

Is GlobalX Trade a Scam or Legitimate?

GlobalX Trade doesn’t provide any information about who runs this brokerage. This is a major red flag and an indication of a problem. Added to that it doesn’t have a license and has been singled out by CONSOB as a problematic broker. We don’t recommend opening an account with GlobalX, but would instead urge you to do research regulated brokers and to choose one that has been shown to be legitimate. 

We Found Problems with GlobalX Trade: 

  • No license
  • Misleading information
  • Flagged by CONSOB
  • Negative reviews
  • No transparency. 

What You Should Do If You Have an Account with GlobalX Trade? 

You should close your account with GlobalX Trade immediately and demand a withdrawal. If you do not receive a withdrawal, contact CryptoCoinTrace experts. We consult with clients, advise them on claims and have the tools and methods to track down your funds. The sooner talk to us, the greater the chances of a successful claim!

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