Scam Broker Review FTrade

Want to Trade with FTrade? Read This First!

FTrade seems like a regular broker with a license and may seem to have a good reputation. However, this may be true if you’ve confused it with an FCA-regulated broker. The FCA has identified FTrade as a suspected clone scam. This means it takes on a name similar to a legitimate broker and tries to deceive prospective traders into believing they are one and the same. This is an underhanded trick and is a reason to avoid FTrade. 

Is FTrade a Scam or Legitimate? 

Another problem with FTrade is its license. You may notice it claims to have a license, which seems like a positive. However, its license is from the Marshall Islands. Now the Marshall Islands may be a nice place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to trade there. This third-rate regulator provides no oversight and gives out licenses to those with no broker credentials. Stay away from FTrade. 

We Found Problems with FTrade: 

  • No contact information
  • FCA warning–suspected clone broker
  • Third rate license
  • No transparency 
  • Bad reviews

What You Should Do If You Have an Account with FTrade

If you currently hold an account with FTrade, close it and demand an immediate withdrawal of all of your funds. If you do not receive a withdrawal from this broker contact CryptoCoinTrace experts. We consult with clients, advise them on claims and have the tools and methods to track down your funds. The sooner talk to us, the greater the chances of a successful claim!

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