Scam Broker Review Digital Funds Investment

Is Digital Funds Investment a Legitimate or a Scam Broker? 

Digital Funds Investment has a lot of questions surrounding it. The FCA or the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom has issued several alerts about this broker. They cite numerous problems, including questions about licensing, dubious practices and misleading claims. We have looked into Digital Funds Investment and have found nothing that can alleviate any concerns about this broker. They simply don’t provide any information. 

We Have Found Problems with Digital Funds Investment

When a broker has been flagged by any major financial regulator, it’s important to take notice. Don’t take a chance with such a broker, even if with a recommendation from a friend. Often these brokers will give paltry returns just to fool people into thinking they are legitimate only to turn around and lock down accounts and refuse to grant future withdrawals. 

These Classic Red Flags Indicate Digital Funds Invesment May Be a Broker Scam

  • No license
  • No transparency
  • Misleading claims
  • Flagged by FCA
  • Negative reviews

What You Should Do If You Have an Account with Digital Funds Investment 

If you currently hold an account with Digital Funds Investment, close it and demand an immediate withdrawal of all of your funds. If you do not receive a withdrawal from this broker contact CryptoCoinTrace experts. We consult with clients, advise them on claims and have the tools and methods to track down your funds. The sooner talk to us, the greater the chances of a successful claim!

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