Scam Broker Review Central Trading Margins LLC

Is Central Trading Margins LLC a Legitimate or a Scam Broker? 

The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) has flagged Central Trading Margins as a potential scam. This broker has many questions surrounding it, including about its license, who runs it and its practices. No broker who is flagged by a major regulator should be trusted. Regulators don’t call out brokers without very good reason and only after investigation. Therefore, you should cross Central Trading Margins off your list. 

We Have Found Problems with Central Trading Margins LLC

We couldn’t find any evidence of a license for Central Trading Margins. Also, there are no names of the people who run it. These are both common signs of a scam. Any legitimate broker would want people to know about their credentials, their past trading successes and their history. This kind of evasiveness is usually a sign a broker has something to hide. 

These Classic Red Flags Indicate Central Trading Margins LLC May Be a Broker Scam

  • No license
  • No transparency
  • Misleading claims
  • Flagged by FINMA
  • Negative reviews

What You Should Do If You Have an Account with Central Trading Margins LLC

If you currently hold an account with Central Trading Margins LLC, close it and demand an immediate withdrawal of all of your funds. If you do not receive a withdrawal from this broker contact CryptoCoinTrace experts. We consult with clients, advise them on claims and have the tools and methods to track down your funds. The sooner talk to us, the greater the chances of a successful claim!

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