Scam Broker Review AffluentPrimeFXT

Is AffluentPrimeFXT a Legitimate or a Scam Broker?

The broker’s name AffluentPrimeFXT may seem like a mouthful. Most likely, they are trying to convince people that they offer forex and other trading vehicles and want people to believe they will make a lot of money using their services. This however, can’t be further from the truth. AffluentPrimeFXT has been flagged by multiple regulator including the FCA of the UK, CONSOB of Italy and FSMA of Belgium. This is a compelling number of regulators. 

We Have Found Problems with AffluentPrimeFXT

Why have these regulators flagged AffluentPrimeFXT? First, it has no license. The only way a customer can be safe is if they are dealing with a regulated financial company. Without the oversight, customers have no guarantee of assistance if something goes wrong. In addition, the FCA has called out AffluentPrimeFXT for using questionable tactics and making misleading statements. 

These Classic Red Flags Indicate AffluentPrimeFXT May Be a Broker Scam

  • No license
  • No transparency
  • Misleading claims
  • Flagged by FCA, CONSOB and FSMA
  • Negative reviews

What You Should Do If You Have an Account with AffluentPrimeFXT

 If you currently hold an account with AffluentPrimeFXT, close it and demand an immediate withdrawal of all of your funds. If you do not receive a withdrawal from this broker contact CryptoCoinTrace experts. We consult with clients, advise them on claims and have the tools and methods to track down your funds. The sooner talk to us, the greater the chances of a successful claim!

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