Scam Broker Bitdogex

Do You Want to Know If Bitdogex Is Legitimate or a Scam?

When we reached Bitdogex after being warned that it may be a scam by customer complaints, we reached a wordpress site with a badly written blog about cryptocurrency. Isn’t Bitdogex supposed to be a broker? Sure, many brokers have blogs, but these blogs aren’t on the homepage. It seems Bitdogex uses other means besides the website to lure customers, or should we say, victims. Customers say that they were sent to Bitdogex on social media through romance scams. Others say they were approached directly and urged to trade funds. For people who have decided to take a chance with Bitdogex, the result is always the same. 

What’s the Deal with Bitdogex?

One customer said they deposited $2,000, Bitdogex claimed they made $200,000. Since Bitdogex fooled them into giving them full access to their bitcoin wallet from the beginning, they could manipulate these amounts. When the trader tried to withdraw their money, Bitdogex gave many excuses to avoid giving them their money. This is an unlicensed broker that doesn’t even pretend to provide any information about themselves on their website. 

Here Are Some Problems with Bitdogex

  • No license
  • Poor website
  • Fake trading
  • Aggressive tactics
  • Won’t allow withdrawals
  • No transparency.
  • Large volume of customer complaints

If You Need Fund Recovery from Bitdogex, Talk to Us

You should close your account immediately and demand a withdrawal. If you do not receive a withdrawal, contact CryptoCoinTrace experts. We consult with clients, advise them on claims and have the tools and methods to track down your funds. The sooner talk to us, the greater the chances of a successful claim!

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